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Environmental, Social
and Governance.

Landsea Homes’ Commitment to Sustainability

At Landsea Homes, environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles are woven throughout our deep-rooted commitment to sustainability. Our company is built on a foundation of integrity and trust, and we embrace the benefits that our sustainability approach provides to our team, our customers and the communities that we create.


Message from Our CEO, John Ho

Since our founding, sustainability has been one of our guiding principles and highest priorities. Our commitment to acting with integrity, supporting our team, building thriving communities and exercising environmental stewardship have long been embedded within strategic planning across our business operations to create long-term value for our stakeholders.

The executive team at Landsea Homes


We are committed to a culture of responsibility, integrity and ethical business conduct, maintaining sound governance and compliance practices that build long-term value and trust with our stakeholders.

Landsea team members giving back

Social Responsibility

We drive positive social impact through our commitment to provide quality, affordable and financially accessible homes and to strengthen the communities where we build and operate.

Environmental Sustainability

We are focused on sustainable, energy-efficient and eco-friendly building practices that result in a lighter environmental impact, lower resource consumption and a reduced carbon footprint.

People working at a desk in an office

Our Team

We aim to enrich our team by providing a positive environment in which employees can expand their skills, grow toward their goals and achieve more together.